
Aboveboard (Comedy)
By Peter Bloedel & Emily Kimball
Rated PG
May 16, 17, & 18 | May 23, 24, & 25, 2025
Auditions: March 17 & 18;, 2025; 3 men, 3 women
Directed by Jeri Doty

Nick is a young professional living in New York. When he notices that food is missing from his apartment he suspects his best friend Milo, a magician who lives in an apartment down the hall. Nick sets up a camera apartment in an attempt to catch Milo, who denies any wrongdoing. Later, when he checks the camera footage, Nick discovers that Milo isn’t the one trespassing. He learns that a squatter has been secretly living in his apartment for nearly a month. When this video footage is posted to the Internet, surprising things begin to unfold.

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