
Community Theatre of Terre Haute Leadership

The Community Theatre of Terre Haute, Inc. is a volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization managed by a volunteer, working Board of Directors.  There are 30 members elected to two-year terms.  The President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected to one-year terms. The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 and the annual meeting of the corporation is held on the second Tuesday of May.  Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month  at the Community Theatre of Terre Haute, 1431 S 25th St. Terre Haute, IN 47803.

Board of Directors

Sara Solooki

Senior Vice-President
Chris Newton

2nd Vice-President
Mary Dinkel

Recording Secretary
Susan Bough

Corresponding Secretary/Historian
Barbara Potter

A.J. Dinkel

Rob Angus
Peggy Apgar
Susan Bough
Dalton Boyles
Michael  Compton
Karen Crispin
Lois Danner
A.J. Dinkel
Mary Dinkel

Jeri Doty
Tatum Dyar
Rachel Eversole-Jones
Christi Fenton
Sherrie Herner-Ellinger
Zack McCullough
Chris Newton
George Pfister
Kosta Popovic

Barbara Potter
Tracy Richardson
Sara Solooki
Teresa Stuckey
Michael Tingley
Pat Wheeler
Heather Williams

Board Designees

David DelColletti
Chris Gambill
Gary Greiner
Ted Hazledine

Executive Committee

Susan Bough
A.J. Dinkel
Mary Dinkel
Chris Newton
Sara Solooki