Oakley Stage

2023-2024 Oakley Series

The Oakley Series performed in CT’s rehearsal hall is a “black box” theater area with a movable seating area, a movable stage, and a flexible lighting system featuring small casts & minimal sets.
Open seating is limited to 60-70 depending on the configuration.

Oakley Series

Educating Rita (Romantic Comedy)
November 8, 9, & 10, 2024
By Willy Russell; Directed by: Dalton Boyles
Auditions: September 9 & 10, 2024; 1 Man; 1  Woman
Rated PG-13
Frank is a tutor of English in his fifties whose disillusioned outlook on life drives him to drink and bury himself in his books. Enter Rita, a forthright 26-year-old hairdresser who is eager to learn. After weeks of cajoling, Rita slowly wins over the very hesitant Frank with her innate insight and refusal to accept no for an answer. Their relationship as teacher and student blossoms, ultimately giving Frank a new sense of self and Rita the knowledge she so craves.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Drama)
April 11, 12, & 13, 2025
By Edward Albee;  Directed by: Sandra Groves
Auditions: February 10 & 11, 2025; 2 Men; 2 Women
Rated R
George, a professor at a small college, and his wife, Martha, have just returned home, drunk from a Saturday night party. Martha announces, amidst general profanity, that she has invited a young couple—an opportunistic new professor at the college and his shatteringly naïve new bride—to stop by for a nightcap. When they arrive, the charade begins. The drinks flow and suddenly inhibitions melt. It becomes clear that Martha is determined to seduce the young professor, and George couldn’t care less. But underneath the edgy banter, which is crossfired between both couples, lurks an undercurrent of tragedy and despair. George and Martha’s inhuman bitterness toward one another is provoked by the enormous personal sadness that they have pledged to keep to themselves: a secret that has seemingly been the foundation for their relationship. In the end, the mystery in which the distressed George and Martha have taken refuge is exposed, once and for all revealing the degrading mess they have made of their lives.